Ivana Herrmann
Into the Never-Ending
Some time long ago, light was yet fading to grey,
we sat in rose garden at midsummer's day.
The little bank we rested on, wooden and gilt,
was surrounded by plants, some blooming, some wilt.
Beautiful roses, as red as warm blood,
covered the garden and veiled so the mud.
Intimate buzzing and droning was heard,
fair song of small bees and humming bird.
The tiny white house, looking old and run down,
was some miles away from the next busy town.
As you sat beside me, your hand clutching mine,
it was indeed my most precious time.
Your soft haired head leaning against mine so slight,
I swore to protect you - with all my might.
High clouds passed the sky, so woolen and smooth,
while tender warm wind caressed us both.
I slow moved my hand to point up above
and knew that your eyes were following, Love.
The sun shining dimly as afternoon arose,
my mind found a beautiful question to pose.
Assuming to stay forever with you here,
I dreamingly whispered into your ear:
"Look at the sky, tell what you see,
say, is it heaven - or eternity?"
You gave me a smile with shimmering eyes,
telling me heaven was not found in the skies.
Your hand rose from mine to lie on your heart,
and what you then said caught me just right off guard.
"The never-ending" you told me, as if this was clear,
"can nowhere be found - if it is not here."
Vorheriger TitelNächster Titel"Into the Never-Ending" habe ich ziemlich spontan geschrieben. Eines Abends begegnete mir zufällig das Wort "Never-Ending" im Internet und ein paar Minuten später standen die ersten Zeilen des Gedichtes fest.
Dieses Gedicht handelt von der Ewigkeit, aber da ich nicht viel mehr dazu sagen kann, möchte ich es jedem Leser selbst überlassen, seinen eigenen Sinn darin zu finden.
Es wäre schön, wenn Ihr einen Kommentar mit Eurer Meinung abgebt. Danke für Euer Interesse.Ivana Herrmann, Anmerkung zum Gedicht
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Der Beitrag wurde von Ivana Herrmann auf e-Stories.de eingesendet.
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Veröffentlicht auf e-Stories.de am 15.08.2004.
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