Martine Meyer


I think I found the love of my life
And I found it in you

I think I haven’t laugh so much before
Now I’m laughing with you

I think there weren’t so much sunshine in my life
But now I see it in your eyes

But there is one question
Too big to forget (it)
Too strong to replace (it)
Too tiny to throw (it) out of my head

Is it truely?
Is it for long?
Is it really so strong?
That’s all in my head but

The only true question
Which contains so much fear
If I can give up my freedom for you

That’s in my soul

I’ve made mistakes
When I first met you

You don’t care about them
But for me began the worst time of my life

Now, everything is ok again
But there are feelings, questions inside my head

There is one question
Too big to forget (it)
Too strong to replace (it)
Too tiny to throw (it) out of my head

Is it truely?
Is it for long?
Is it really so strong?
That’s all in my head but

The only true question
Which contains so much fear
If I can give up my freedom for you

That’s in my soul

But there is a problem
It’s not as big for you
Or our present relationship

But it’s very important for me
And for our both future

I can’t say it to you direktly
So I say it in this song:

There is one question
Too big to forget (it)
Too strong to replace (it)
Too tiny to throw (it) out of my head

Is it truely?
Is it for long?
Is it really so strong?
That’s all in my head but

The only true question
Which contains so much fear
If I can give up my freedom for you

That’s in my soul

I lost my most important person
It was my decision and my fault
But although it hurts

Please let me time.
Just some, just a bit, just a second
That I can wipe away my tears
And laugh/love again…

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Der Beitrag wurde von Martine Meyer auf eingesendet.
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Veröffentlicht auf am 12.12.2004. - Infos zum Urheberrecht / Haftungsausschluss (Disclaimer).

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  Martine Meyer als Lieblingsautorin markieren

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