Bruno Huber

Common Sense

How many times have you heard the phrase: Common Sense ? and how many times did the end result of some foolish and often times stupid endeavour miss exactly that ingredient. Is Common Sense only applicable in retrospect ? Is Common Sense a universal measuring stick ? Does Common Sense always apply and do we all agree on what it is ? Is Common Sense based on intellectual and analytical faculties or is it a gut feeling ? Does it come naturally or does it evolve over time ? Is Common Sense neutral or judgemental ? Is Common Sense always the truth ? It’s question like these that keep me awake lately. Another conundrum that puzzles me is how come politicians are the one subspecies of homo sapiens that more often then not lack common sense and get away with it ? It’s so infuriation when I have to listen to some guy in a suit on TV bafflegab, blabber and obfuscate without making any sense at all but sounding like he just made an important policy announcement. “We’re not at war with Afghanistan and the fact that our troops suffer casualties is a regrettable price we have to pay for our peace keeping mission.” I love it the way they use Orwellian newsspeak as comfortable as buttering toast. Peacekeeping for Warmongering, friendly fire for deadly mistake, saving money for charging less then anticipated, child care initiative for child care abandonment and on and on. The only thing that’s missing from these statements is Common Sense and the respect we - the citizens - deserve for having some. We’re not all idiots out here. We know when somebody tries to sell us plain water for a miracle cure. What I do know is that Common Sense should make sense and everybody should have some. That includes me. I’m working on it. To wear a sweater in subzero weather is common sense. To drink your beer cold also makes sense and to NOT argue with your wife when you know she’s right is nothing else but common sense. Let me explain. Klare, my wise and lovely wife, knows a thing or two about common sense. Like when I tried to cool down a beer in the freezer the other day and forgot about it. I suddenly remembered, fetched the bottle and popped the cap and watched in horrified amazement as the whole beer exploded all over the kitchen ceiling. I knew that I was in for a verbal treat when Klare watched me standing on a chair, frantically trying to mop the ceiling, basically just turning a bad decision into a worse one. “Ever heard of the Darwin Awards ?” she asked with her head askew, looking at me with something like pity in her eyes. There was no need to answer. “Use your frigging head, what where you thinking ? Stop ! don’t answer that one. It’s rather obvious.” Common sense indeed. It’s something I solemnly promised Klare I’d aquire and if it takes me all my life, I will have some !

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Die starken Engel von Peter Kurka

Das Buch handelt von den Alltagssorgen der Kinder. Eine Fee, eine Elfe und die Engel helfen bei der Bewältigung der Probleme. Die Kinder werden im Traum auf magische Sterne geleitet. Auf den Sternen erleben sie fantastische Abenteuer. Sie treffen dort auf lustige Bewohner und einige Tiere. Nach dem Besuch der Traumsterne sind die Kinder wie verwandelt. Sie sind jetzt glücklich und zufrieden. Ihre Probleme sind am nächsten Tag gelöst.

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