Heinrich von Buenau

The Miracle above the Castle park

After I miraculously found the Christian faith in 1985, it was an inner need to tell other people about my experiences. Especially my atheistic friend Jürgen - who played a special role in my story of conversion - I tried to gain faith in Jesus. But all conversations, no matter how intensive, were fruitless.
    At some point I began to realize that my stories and arguments would probably not convince him. His everything is nature - faith was simply too firmly anchored in him. <A miracle>, I thought, <he must experience a miracle. Then he will convert!>

Some time after that we had an appointment on Saturday around noon at my home. We wanted to take a walk in the beautifully situated castle park. But it was pouring out of buckets. When he got to me, he immediately said: "Well, we can forget about the walk!" I replied: "Let us wait and see! Maybe it'll stop raining again." And so I made us a tea, which we then drank in the living room, each thinking about it in his own way.
     After a while Jürgen got up and went to the window. "No," he said, "there's nothing left today!" He turned around and sat down in the chair again. "Listen," I said, "I have a proposition for you! Would you agree if I prayed for better weather?"
   He looked at me with an astonished expression: "Are you serious?" "Yes!", I replied,' and you will see that it will stop raining. So, do you agree that I pray?" For a moment he looked at me in disbelief, then he said with a laugh: "For my sake! If I don't have to pray!"
    I concentrated for a short moment and then I began to pray aloud: "Lord, you see that Jürgen and I want to take a walk in the castle garden. It's easy for you to stop the rain and give us better weather. And that's what I'm asking you to do right now. Amen!"
While I prayed Jürgen had actually sat quietly, almost devoutly, beside it. Now he said: "I'm curious!" "You'll see," I said, "God will do a miracle! Come on, let's go!"
It was still pouring rain. So strong that the windscreen wipers on Jürgen's car again had all the trouble to create a clear view. In view of the fact that there was still a deep dark cloud cover hanging over us, I could have lost all courage. In a few minutes we would reach the castle park and how would the weather change in such a short time?
     Silently I sat next to Jürgen in the passenger seat and followed my thoughts: <No matter what it looks like. I prayed seriously and I believe in a miracle! It will, it must happen! After all, it's about more... if he sees a miracle, he will convert!> Stealthily I looked over at Jürgen. But he looked forward with concentration. Finally we turned into the road that led directly to the castle park.
As we drove into the parking lot, the rain suddenly stopped. "Looks like the rain is going down," I said as casually as possible. "Yes," he replied just as casually, "looks like this!" He parked the car and we got out.
    Now it was dripping and I could hardly hide my relief: "Looks like when God answered my prayer!" He looked at me in amazement and then laughed. I asked him: "Why are you laughing? Isn't it obvious?" But he didn't answer.
    And at that moment I saw something that took my breath away: "Jürgen, look!" With my finger I pointed towards the sky, hardly believing my eyes. Above the park, and only above it, was the dark cloud cover ripped open. A piece of sky blue and the sun became visible. I laughed happily: "Well, you old doubter, do you now believe that God has done a miracle?"
   He looked at me in disbelief and asked back: "Why?" I stopped abruptly. "You ask why? Hasn't it stopped raining? .... And are you blind? Everywhere the dark cloud cover, only above the park a piece of blue sky and sunshine! This is the miracle I asked for!"
   Now he shook his head laughing: "This is pure coincidence! Nothing else!"

I couldn't believe it: "How can you say that this is just a coincidence. You were there when I prayed for good weather. And now right above the park", I pointed with my right hand into the sky, "a blue sky. And look around you." I slowly turned around my own axis and drove down the rest of the sky by hand, "otherwise only dark clouds.  This is the miracle requested. You have to admit that!" He remained unimpressed. "No, this is just a coincidence, as sometimes happens! Come on, let's go to the park!"
  In fact, we walked for two hours in the sunshine in the park of the castle. The dark clouds over the rest of the city remained visible all the time. Of course I brought the language up again: "Jürgen, why can't you accept this as a miracle? "It is quite obvious that there is a connection between my prayer and the sunshine here above the park."
    He stopped: "No," he replied, "that was just a coincidence!" "But could it not also have been God's action", I tried to build him a "bridge". "No!" he said, "because there is no God!"

After we separated later at the exit of the castle park, I took some time to think. <I have told so much about faith and my experiences. And now he has experienced a real miracle. But he wasn't at all touched by it.< Suddenly I had a hunch that he might never find faith in Jesus. Sadly I started!


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