Florian Klima

Game, with Rules, without any Value

Hey there, People!
Do you know, who's to blame?
"The Youth, is to blame,
cause the Youth's Insane.

But that's just a messed up, dirty fake Frame;
They use to keep up and force to maintain,
cause they tryin' to put us in the Shame,
keep us paralyzed, so we don't enter their Game.

So, don't get a Figure on their Chessboard;
Befor you figured out,
what goes on here
And what's this dirty Game about.

But it's their kid of Game;
So don't be part of their War.
That you'll be heared at the End,
and not ignored any more.

So, don't get a Figure on their Chessboard;
Befor you figured out, what's this dirty Game about.
Don't you get a Figure on their Chessboard;
Cause their Game is Insane and they know who to blame.

So, don't be a Figure on their Chessboard;
Befor you figured out, what's this dirty Game about.
Don't you be a Figure on their Chessboard;
" Cause the Youth is Insane!", They will keep sayin'.

And the hard thing is,
That I'm part of the Game.
As you are part of the Game.
but in the Moment, this Game is Insane.

Driven by Lords
Which broken in their Mainframe.
And what the People do,
they go exaclly the same.

This Game is Insane;
This Game is not Fair;
Till we push it to far,
and than, blowen up in the Air.

​​​​​​So, don't get a Figure on their Chessboard;
befor you figured out, what's this dirty Game about.
Don't you get a Figure on their Chessboard;
Cause their Game is Insane and they know who to blame.

So, don't be a Figure on their Chessboard;
Befor you figured out, what's this dirty Game about.
Don't you be a Figure on their Chessboard;
"Cause the Youth is Insane!" - they will keep sayin'.

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