Drazen Boskic

In The Spring Time

Maybe I did pick a few jasmines out the ground

Does that mean my jeans don’t fit with yours

I’d throw you every pony

And take care you catch it well

Just to let me orbit with you for a while

And I wouldn’t mind after a little while

Hearing your ‘faraway now’


Hope you know now I knew you could save me

Just afraid someone’ d throw a skirt to you

Spit a curse like that on you

Hope you know now I knew you could spare me

These chains

Oh these chains

Hope you know now I knew it all the time


You chase them running

Through the juicy pages

Sticky palms

At every corner I get lost

So close to my face

I could read your life lines

Looking for a boy who’d hide his

From my eyes

And I wouldn’t mind after a little while

Hearing his ‘faraway now’


In a time God sends the Spring

I run through myself

Father will those boys ever stand behind me?

Then down to the fields

I give dandelions treat

Oh honeys may be the bee’s sucked it all

Out of you

But this year you may suck it all

Out of me

You should have seen

How fast they all become salty

You should have seen dad

How fast they all become red

Though I thought one day at least

They’d beautify the carcass I’m in


Hope you know now I knew you could save me

Just afraid someone’ d throw a skirt to you

Spit a curse like that on you

Hope you know now I knew you could spare me

These chains

Oh these chains

Hope you know now I knew it all the time


And Springs went by

I must say I’m pretty calm in a sun

And Springs went by

Out there’re boys who say

In a folding chair I’m pretty harmless

With my gun

When I think of you

When I think of you

And Springs went by

Said pretty calm in a sun

And Springs went by

Said pretty harmless with my gun

Boy till the jasmines start to rise

Boy till the jasmines start to rise














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Beelzebub hatte diesen riesigen Titan verloren. Irgendwo im Weltenlabyrinth hatte er ihn ausgesetzt, und der Titan war auf und davon.
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