Harry Schloßmacher

Planned, cleverly disguised murder?? Alec Baldwin shoots camerawoman !




Baldwin fired a gun loaded with live ammunition while filming at a Santa Fe movie ranch in October 2021. It is still not clear how the real cartridges got into the gun. The 42-year-old camerawoman Halyna Hutchins was fatally injured in the shooting. Director Joel Souza was also wounded in the shoulder. Baldwin himself denied any responsibility. He did not know that there was live ammunition in the weapon intended as a prop. To date, none of the film's cast has been formally accused or even charged...


                                                                                          Here is yes some very funny:

1) The police or public prosecutor's office has not clarified who put the 2 cartridges in the gun. Because that is a crucial point! The "weapons boss" and the shooter Alec Baldwin are suspected. And who would have

2) A strong motive to kill this pretty blonde camerawoman. For example, did she have a long-term love affair with Baldwin or the "weapon boss"? Shooting a person on a film set is, god knows, not a piece of cake, it's really not a game. All too naive to assume it was an accident - as we will see below. It is known that camerawoman Halyna Hutchins was at least Baldwin's girlfriend. Did he say so himself? But many people ask themselves: Can men and women even manage to resist the sexual tension or temptation between the sexes in the long run? We all know that "opportunity makes love", especially when you see each other every day - like Baldwin and Hutchins on a movie shoot... "Love is a strange game". Was the beautiful Halyna possibly his longtime lover who finally wanted to make it public. No longer just playing second fiddle in his life. Did you put so much pressure on Alec that he saw only one way to save his existing marriage? Speculation, of course, but such events are often reality. Would at least be a very strong motive that could explain the fatal shot. Especially since he can be easily disguised on a film set with an "I'm sorry, it was just an accident"...

3) Why wasn't the police/prosecutor's office asking Alec Baldwin why he specifically aimed at the two victims? Whereby - according to the film set expert and ("Gladiator") actor Ralph Möller - it was customary to deliberately aim next to the targeted person, even if there was no cartridge in the gun.

4) Aiming and shooting at a person here is therefore worth explaining. But then to immediately follow up with a second shot and injure the director as well is now completely incomprehensible. To speak of an accident is a super joke! So the logic gives birth:

                                                                Here - for whatever reason - deliberately sharp shots were taken!

Why wasn't one shot enough for Baldwin? He probably wanted to be sure with 2 shots at Halyna Hutchins. But the second shot failed and then hit the director Joel Souza. With the second shot it is also clear - at least for me - that Baldwin himself put the two cartridges in the gun and not the suspicious "weapons chief". Anyone who notices with a start that he has just fired live ammunition should put the gun away quickly (or similar) and not fire a second shot afterwards! Alec Baldwin somehow managed to put 2 cartridges in beforehand without being noticed.

5) Another important point:
Who or what was Baldwin supposed to be shooting at anyway? The target was definitely not right next to the camerawoman. And the greater the discrepancy between the actual shooting target and Halyna Hutchins, the more Alec Baldwin has to explain - it's clear. If you are only a few centimeters away, you can sometimes miss - if you are several meters away, it is certainly no longer an accident!

6) Despite one dead person and one injured person as well as all the ambiguities just mentioned, such as oddities and contradictions, it has only been said since then "The sea is still". Not the slightest thing will be clarified in court! No one is accused let alone charged. And some people wonder: How much money may have flowed behind the scenes to suppress the truth...



7) The situation has changed since April 20th, 2023:

Baldwin was acquitted by a Mexican judge!!

Why actually, when Alec has only talked about horses so far. For example, he tries to smack the extremely naïve mainstream audience (and relevant media) by claiming he didn't pull the trigger at all!!



                                                                   Yes, is it still okay?!?


                                                                   Was it the Holy Spirit who shot the young, pretty camerawoman??



Baldwin's stupid pranking babble naturally strengthens my murder thesis! I only talk such nonsense when there is still a lot to hide, i.e. "there are skeletons in the dark cellar". They have to get out there so that one day the truth will come out.



                                                                   In spite of the verdict, the investigation will continue...


hp. At the editorial network Germany (RND I was accused of looking into the "crystal ball". It sounds good, but if you have a better or more plausible explanation/justification chain, please let us know! ! It would probably not just interest me.
However, that also means: EVERY striking point should be represented in the chain of argumentation! Keep it the way I did it...



Thank you for your interesting, comprehensive comment and Your note "one! I would be very happy if you also comment on other stories of mine, such as "Narcissistic creator cooperates with cosmos fans__PART--1 and 2". Wish you a nice day or evening. Regards, Harry Harry Schloßmacher, Anmerkung zum Gedicht

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