Harry Schloßmacher

Why does the universe have so many planets and large moons ??


                                                  "Why we humans are among God's favorite creatures"





With probably quadrillion space phenomena, judging a creator only by what is happening on a planet is similar to an expert who is only supposed to judge on the basis of a screw how good or bad the associated giant truck is. That's why I rightly put the focus on the cosmos in my numerous philosophical-religious reflections and the religious FANTASY. So that no one needs to be surprised anymore.

There's a lot in the universe we can't go into detail because it's all so incredibly remote. However, its rough structure is already very meaningful! And there the extremely important question arises: Why -- in God's name ;-) -- are there countless planets and large moons? Suns and some other things are also very numerous, but at most  (as we will see) important accessories and therefore remain unmentioned.

Here are further aspects when attempting a plausible, well-founded and complex justification. But if you have a better one for it, you should definitely let us know!!




 Supernarcissist God: Is he also looking for recognition and happiness?
 It is to be feared that God only has feelings for himself, like a super-narcissist. At first he only did science in many areas and on an incredibly large scale. And action cosmos without end. He didn't need feelings in the slightest for that. But at some point that wasn't enough for him anymore. To create such a grandiose, super-gigantic universe, but no one notices it - nor does it earn any praise or recognition... this gets on the nerves of even a super-creator over time (casually written).

 So he set the course for creation in the direction of living beings. And he was very happy when evolution and special cosmic factors led to intelligence like humans. He can't expect anything from the countless animal breeds. They vegetate more or less on planets and large moons, completely blind to the cosmos and far from God. But now he finally has creatures who are passionately interested in his unrivaled universe and who, fascinated by his creative power, sing billions of times "Praise the Lord".

                                              And now it also becomes clear why the universe is so incredibly large:

 producing special (large telescope) intelligences is an extremely difficult and lengthy evolutionary business. So many special conditions must prevail on planets and large moons for an insanely long time! This can only work on a large scale with an unbelievably large number of stars of this type.

 Ultimately meaningless for a narcissistic god of science and action:

 a) unicellular organisms up to animals Since they are completely blind to the cosmos and far from God!
 b) Non-technical civilizations Are at least cosm-blind
 c) Technical civilizations without large telescopes and the like Also still cosm-blind

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 Here are the creature favorites of a narcissistic science and action god:

Big Telescope Technological Civilizations (Like us people of Earth) Only those are fascinated by the size and incredible diversity of the universe and enjoy the many unprecedented action.

 A creator cannot create enough planets and large moons to benefit as often as possible from the above development ladder, which only leads to his passionate admirers and fans.
 In any case, it flatters his great creator ego immensely that many other "large telescope intelligences" join in the hymns of praise of the Terrans. This is the only way a creator can be really happy...

                                                      (And someone else should say that he was emotionally cold ;-) )



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