Harry Schloßmacher


More than ten years ago, the Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 with 239 people on board disappeared without a trace from the radar screens. The plane was en route from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing on March 8, 2014, when contact was lost. One of the greatest mysteries in aviation history began. Researchers and aviation experts have tried again and again to put the pieces of the puzzle together - without success. Debris later washed up on coasts along the Indian Ocean. However, there is still no trace of the main fuselage of the aircraft, the occupants and the flight recorder. A years-long underwater search was canceled without results.

An Australian researcher now wants to have clarified the whereabouts of the machine. In his study, Vincent Lyne from the Institute of Marine and Antarctic Research at the University of Tasmania claims to have pinpointed the exact location of the wreck - in a 6,000 meter deep hole in the ocean. “A perfect hiding place,” Lyne wrote in a post on LinkedIn a few days ago.

But why did the machine crash?
Speculation has so far ranged from a hijacking to the pilot's suicide to an intentional or accidental shooting down of military personnel. There was never any evidence. Vincent Lyne is convinced that it was not a lack of fuel - as is often assumed - that was responsible, but rather a deliberate landing maneuver by the captain in the water. As evidence, he cites damage to the wings and valve system, as well as to the wing flap found off the island of La Reunion, off the east coast of Africa. These were similar to the damage after Captain Chesley "Sully" Sullenberger's controlled emergency landing on New York's Hudson River in 2009, the scientist wrote. All 155 people on board survived the spectacular emergency landing.

According to Lyne, the pilot almost managed to achieve an incredibly perfect disappearance of the plane. "In fact, it would have worked if MH370 hadn't plowed through a wave with its right wing." For his study, Lyne combined the longitude of the runway at Malaysia's Penang airport with a flight path discovered on the pilot's home simulator - which FBI investigators had previously dismissed as "irrelevant." According to Lyne, the 6,000 meter deep hole is at the intersection of the two lines. MH370 disappeared from radar near Penang at the time.

His results supported the theory of Canadian aviation expert and former aircraft accident investigator Larry Vance, who had also spoken of noticeable damage to a piece of wreckage discovered. He also assumed a controlled landing on the water and not an impact at full speed.

However, the latest research results have not been able to clarify whether the pilot decided to take this step because of an emergency or whether there was a plan to deliberately steer the machine into the sea and let it disappear.
My answer to this: And that is - with all due respect - nonsense! If the research results don't (yet) help clarify this, then the logic will. The following speak for the fact that the machine was deliberately landed at sea:

     (The answers and more in part-2)


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