Aetherion, the heart of an abominable system, is no mere star – it is the blazing embodiment of madness, born in the darkness of space and fuelled by the forgotten nightmares of the eons. Those in the know, those brave enough to gaze upon its sinister glow, see a giant resembling an opal, driven in its depths by hell-born helium in a dance with a dragon's breath of hydrogen. But such words cannot capture the horror that comes with it. It is Aetherion, the pulsating embodiment of the entropic, a star whose young heart began beating about 500 baktuns ago. And yet those who understand the ancient secrets of the great counting know that Aetherion is both infinitely young and ancient, in a constant dance of becoming and passing away.
Its radiance exceeds the splendour of Helios by a myriad, illuminating the cosmos like the shimmer of a relentless galactic beacon. Its diameter is six, perhaps eight times greater than that puny star that once shone over the mortal world. Yet the wise man beholds through the gates of hell, in the face of the madness that rages within the accursed star. The Aetherion's skin glows like a crazed god of fire, with four times the power of the life-giving Atum. An inflamed nightmare that glows blue-white, as if the pure embers of the universe had been drowned in ancient evil.
But the fate of that star has long been sealed, cursed to a short existence! Its infernal end, as planned by the great ancients, will happen in 1014 cycles of the great counting. But the angry fire god will not pass away quietly, but thunderously; The worlds that revolve around him will tremble under the fiery breath of his last gasps before they are thrown into the cold and emptiness of space.
All the ignorant who look at Aetherion from afar may pay little heed to the fiery god. But those who have gazed into the unfathomable depths of madness know that Aetherion is far more. He is a beating heart, an impending armageddon. Aetherion is the Alpha and the Omega, and those who exist in his terrible radiance will see the last thing the universe has to offer.
And one day, his end will herald the return of the great ancient ones, in all their cruel glory.
© 2024 Q.A.Juyub alias Aldhar Ibn Beju
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