Joseph Trance
As I scan what I have written and published on this site, I am on a mission to identify the conflict or potential conflicts in each of my stories stories/written works. If I look hard enough I can find always find something. In my writings that delve into things that make my pulse race, I can always somehow make denial of those things a challenge. For example; NOT to kiss the girl, not to dhow off and play the instrument (piano, guitar, harmonica or clarinet.) Not to partake of the buffet meal or even not to develop that burning idea, write that story or consider how I want that poem to go, can all be developed into challenges that pit my flesh against my spirit. To deny self in so many ways to make time and room for the Spirit to be released can be THE Challenge in each work that needs to be overcome.
. In some of my "stories" which i have requested feedback on I've been told "You don't have a story", or "your characters lack motivation ", or "Conflict isn't stated clearly." As I move now with a different objective/purpose for writing I have to consider these issues if I am going to be successful.
. I want to now write for the purposes of paid publication. I want to see if what i write is good enough that i can actually get $$ for it. And I want to use those funds to help other people who are helping others. I look forward to overcoming my writing challenges and see where I go from here.
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von Christian Bischoff
50 bewegende Kurzgeschichten, die einen nicht mehr los lassen. Diese größtenteils realen Erlebnisse des Autors und seiner Mentoren haben schon tausende Leser inspiriert, motiviert, begeistert, zu Tränen gerührt und zum Nachdenken angeregt. Für alle Menschen, die ihren eigenen Weg im Leben suchen und DEN POSITIVEN UNTERSCHIED © machen wollen.
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