Greg Miller

Math Teacher drives students to excellence

“We’re beginning a brand new year,” said Math Teacher.

“This year, we’re going to work to increase our knowledge as much as possible,” she said. “I want each of you to learn as much as you can before school dismisses for the summer.”

Math Teacher proposed a contest, which would be open to all math students. “The student who learns the most by the end of the school year will win a very special prize,” she promised.

“What’s the prize?,” asked Math Student Delux.

“I’ll give several hints between now and the end of the school year,” replied Math Teacher. “Here’s today’s hint. The prize will drive its winner to excellence.”

“Math Student Average asked, “Math Teacher, do you believe I can win?”

“You have as much opportunity to win as anyone in the class,” Math Teacher answered.

“What about me?,” asked Math Student Almost Average.

“Although you certainly don’t have the best grade in the class, it is possible for you to win the prize,” said Math Teacher.

Math Student Above Average and Math Student Extraordinaire assumed they had the best chances of winning the prize. “You and I always make 100 on every homework assignment and every test,” bragged Math Student Extraordinaire. “I am sure that one of us will win the prize.”

“I have an idea,” said Math Student Above Average. “Why don’t we study together and work as a team?”

“Sure, Partner,” said Math Student Extraordinaire.

On the last day of the school year, Math Teacher announced the winner.

Math Student Extraordinaire was confident that she would be declared the winner. “My name is Math Student Extraordinaire for a reason,” she stated.

“Since we worked together as a team, I’m sure one of us will win,” said Math Student Above Average.

Math Teacher announced that Math Student Almost Average had won the contest. “He learned more than anyone else in the class,” said Math Teacher. “As the contest winner, he will receive a vintage automobile from 50 years ago.”

“Is there a prize for second place?,” asked Math Student Delux, the contest runner-up.

“There sure is,” declared Math Teacher. “I’m assigning you the task of pumping gas for Math Student Almost Average for the next school year. If he says you do a good job, I’m going to give you a car that’s 10 years older than the one I’m giving to him.”

“Why are you giving a car to me that’s 10 years older than the one you’re giving to him?,” asked Math Student Delux.

“Two reasons,” said Math Teacher. “One reason is it needs a little work and, with your work ethic, I know I can trust you to take good care of the car. The other reason is it’s the only other spare vehicle I have left!”

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