Captain Blair pushed several buttons on the autopilot and leaned back. The “Spacemaster” was the first spaceship to have an eighth- generation computer and nothing could go wrong. They had wanted Trent to go on this mission, but he had got the job when Trent had suddenly fallen ill. For the first time of the week Captain Blair smiled.
But then he saw more and more spaceship, which flew out of this planet system. And nobody told him what is the matter.
At Sunday he arrived on a planet called Nevus. On Nevus several humans are going on holiday. But he could not see any humans there. The cities there were all empty.
When Captain Blair came back to his spaceship, he saw two robots there. They repaired something there. But nothing was broken. “What are you doing here?” Captain Blair asked. But the robots ran away. One of them lost his tools. It was best tool made in the best company in universe- “Viper Instruments”. Only rich people could buy tools made from this company. But Captain Blair did not think about it. He only want to go back to Earth and find out the secret of this planet system.
When he started his engines, the two robots came out of the bushes. “Team Zero here. Blair is in space. Team Gamma must bring him to the president. But alive. The transmitter is on the spaceship.” We are ready to start phase three.” The robot said. Then he put his mobil away. A car took them away.
Captain Blair was eating his hamburger, when the computer told him, that three spaceships are following him. So Captain Blair put his hamburger away and started the systems of the “Spacemaster”. After this he started the engines two and three. The “Spacemaster” get faster and faster. Then the “Spacemaster” reached light speed.
After an hour Captain Blair stopped the engines and flew the “Spacemaster” into an asteroid field. There he waited. One minute later the three other ships stopped. He read their names and gave them into the computer. But the computer said: “Names not found. Sorry.”
When the three spaceships started the engines and flew away, Captain Blair followed them. Then he threw his hamburger into the waste because the hamburger was colder then a fish on South Pole.
He followed the three spaceships about half a day, when the arrived on a space station called “Deep Space Eleven”. “Viper Instruments” had bought his station a year ago. It was the biggest merchandise centre in space.
Suddenly nine other spaceships came out of the hangar. “They are calling us, Captain,” the computer told him. “What is the matter?” “They want you to come to the president of “Viper Instruments”. And now. The President will fly back to Earth in two hours.” “Okay. I am coming. I will land my spaceship in hangar nine. Told this to the spaceships.”
Two robots were waiting in this hangar. “Are you Captain Blair? Follow me. The president is waiting.” One robot said.
The robot took Captain Blair to a big room. In the middle of the room was a big table. Only one man was sitting there.
“Hello, Mister President. Want do you want?” “Do not call me Mister president. Call me father, Thomas.” “Father? You are my father? My father died in an accident nineteen years ago!” “No. I only lost my car. And the contact to my family. So I based up this company. But don not talk about the past. Let us talk about he future. You will be my heir. I am old. I will die soon. So I need a heir. And you are my son.” “Sorry, Dad. But I want to have adventures and not to sit in a room and talk with some men about new products. I think that I will be the biggest and most important Captain in universe. Sorry, but I must fin out, why so many people are leaving this planet system. See you.” “You must not look, why so many people are leaving this system. I bought it and I will build one hundred fabrics on this eight planets.”
So Captain Blair saw his father after nineteen years and flew into his next adventure.
Vorheriger TitelNächster TitelEin uralter Text noch aus der vierten Klasse Unterstufe. Aber bald wird eine neue Version auf Deutsch erscheinen, verbessert und ausgebaut. Und dann wird das Gehiemnis um das Leben des Thomas Blair gelöst. Nicolai Rosemann, Anmerkung zur Geschichte
Die Rechte und die Verantwortlichkeit für diesen Beitrag liegen beim Autor (Nicolai Rosemann).
Der Beitrag wurde von Nicolai Rosemann auf eingesendet.
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Veröffentlicht auf am 26.05.2003.
- Infos zum Urheberrecht / Haftungsausschluss (Disclaimer).
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Liebhaberstück -Xenia-
von Noreen Aidan
Wie wird man erfolgreich?
Die Hebamme Xenia praktiziert altes Heilwissen, feiert keltische
Rituale und baut gleichzeitig als moderne Unternehmerin
eine Network-Marketing-Organisation auf. Als sie von
einem Geschäftspartner gebeten wird, seinen Bruder
Thorsten für ihr gemeinsames Unternehmen zu gewinnen,
ahnt sie noch nichts Schlimmes. Doch als sie Thorsten
gegenüber steht, erkennt sie schockiert, dass es sich bei ihm
um den Arzt handelt, mit dem sie sich noch wenige Tage
zuvor in der Klinik erbitterte Gefechte geliefert hat.
Für Thorsten ist dieses komische Geschäft, das sein Bruder
mit dieser Xenia aufbaut, eine große Lachnummer [...]
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