Felipe Vila


There he was, lying half-way on a sofa, a far too short, orange sofa, with his legs and an arm hanging down. "Are you already asleep?" a sweet voice asked from across the room. Though the cities' never sleeping advert-illumination and the moon carried a soft and soothing light through the window, Ian couldn't recognize her face, as she was lying in her bed under a mosquito-net with lots violett and pale red roses stuck on all over it. "No, I can't sleep." he muttered a bit hoarsely, "But why are you still awake?" Julia sat up, her long brown hair caressed her neck and her shoulders. She looked very cute in her squared pyjamas. After a moment of silence she stood up, went towards him and whispered with a sincere smile, wrinkling her nose: "Wanna come with me? I'm terribly hungry." Ian nodded. He imagined, that she had no hunger at all. As many times before she'd just stand up in the middle of the night without any real need to. Julia likes to, that's all. She enjoys time itself, she's a gourmet. She can enjoy the hours in which normal people just recover and reload their batteries. She eats anything tasty at any time. for joy. Why don't people do it like her, what hinders them from being like this? If she can, if it's possible, then where's the point convincing you of not enjoying? Is it the laws, the Ten Commandments, the people's eyes looking at you.? They both sneaked carefully to the fridge to avoid waking up Julia's flatmates. Ian and Julia hadn't seen each other since she moved to the city to study art. He decided to pass a weekend at her home. Now she was living fifth floor, having a great view over the roofs of "her" city and over the future of her life, while he started an apprenticeship in the small village he was born 19 years ago. He felt as if he was getting nowhere. And it was not the omnipresent threat called unemployment which made him feel like this. This was too profane. It was the large desert in his soul. "Do you like some french cheese and red wine? I actually bought it for next weekend, when I'm visiting my parents. I thought it would be a nice idea to surprise them with some nice "snacks", but I'm afraid I can't wait." She took his hand and pulled him to the tiny balcony of her small student's flat. They both could hardly stand comfortable, as the balcony was really narrow. The scene presented looked tremendously arkward, something like fish in a tin-can. They had their arms clasped to their respective bodies and made the impression of constantly shrugging their shoulders. "You know what?" Julia said eventually and put the bottle and the dish with the irregularly cut pieces of camembert on the floor. "I've had enough." Ian looked confused: "But how can you have had enough, if you haven't even eaten a bit? I don't." "That's not what I mean." Ian felt a hard punch in his stomach, his chest was commotioned by every single eruption his heart made instead of a beat. All Julia had done was turning towards him and wrapping her arms around him. Now they were standing in front of each other, tightly embraced, cheek to cheek, chest to chest. She looked into his face. Ian lost himself in Julia's bright, shiny, gem-like eyes, glittering beautifully in the weak moonlight. She closed her eyes, and their heads approached slowly. Their hearts stood in flames as their lips touched. Eternities passed by. A quietly whispering wind brought the lovely scent of a warm summer-night, while two people had just left earth. Ian found an oasis in his desert soul in this night. "Ian, Make a new beginning. Let us make a new beginning." Julia knew him so well, she knew what he thought, she knew what he felt, and she knew that sometimes he needed a small push to do what he really wanted. A few streets further there was a small indie-club. And on this night you could stand on a small balcony and listen to a song about a "wonderwall". Oasis must have meant Julia.

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Veröffentlicht auf e-Stories.de am 30.05.2003. - Infos zum Urheberrecht / Haftungsausschluss (Disclaimer).

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