Here is the title better and in full length:
"Wishful thinking: Almighty God is actively helping Terra intelligences"
It would be nice. . .
Amazing Confessions of a Communicative, Outspoken World God
(As part of my Religious FANTASY series)
With probably quadrillion universe phenomena, judging a creator only by what is happening on a planet is similar to an expert who only uses a screw to judge how good or bad the associated giant truck is. That's why I rightly put the focus on the cosmos in my numerous philosophical-religious reflections and the religious FANTASY. So that no one needs to be surprised anymore.
There's a lot in the universe we can't go into detail because it's all so incredibly remote. However, its rough structure is already very meaningful! And there the extremely important question arises: Why -- in God's name ;-) -- are there countless planets and large moons? Suns and some other things are also very numerous, but at most (as we will see) important accessories and therefore remain unmentioned.
Here are further aspects when attempting a plausible, well-founded and complex justification. But if you have a better one for it, you should definitely let us know!!
First, the not-so-unapproachable action-god makes a plea for his favorites, the Terran Intelligences. What use are creatures that are completely blind to the cosmos, such as dinosaurs, cows, lions, ants and the like much more? ? Say it honestly: They are all a kind of collateral damage on the long, difficult evolutionary path to you! Only large-telescope-technical-civilizations are enthusiastic about my extremely huge universe and appreciate my inimitable achievements. And this is very good for my divine ego! In return, I am willing to actively support the spread of my earth intelligences into space.
Because: "Grow and multiply" applies not only on earth,
but also - mainly and ultimately - in the universe! "
A universe populated only with plants, trees, microbes + animals would be a total flop for me. They just vegetate there + only know their immediate surroundings. From all the billions and billions of animal species COSMOSWIDE, I unfortunately cannot expect the slightest appreciation. But even a divine creator needs applause at some point - a positive response to his activities. The more the better !
Your brothers and sisters in space also have the same problems: They don't manage to expand outside of their solar system for many reasons. All the distances there are too unbridgeable and their spaceships much too slow. These extreme distances are designed by me for static, stabilizing reasons. Even a creator cannot serve all masters at the same time!
Also, your cosmic brothers + sisters are not just nice. For some, sufficient distance from them is even essential for survival.
Also now unable to quick terraform on all Exodus target planets/major moons. Will therefore turn interested people into cyborgs - you are so extremely robust + largely self-sufficient, no matter where you end up.
I am committed to people here for another important reason:
There is no hereafter! You can brush that off.
Why else did I create such a grandiose universe? ? ?
I couldn't top your many earthly joys in a pure astral hereafter anyway. So only make an effort where it counts: In my supy-matter cosmos. Sooner or later you will achieve the potential to live forever. But then you must have an inexhaustible amount of occupation/work/tasks/challenges and you only find them in the cosmos. Terra alone would be totally explored and boring in centuries. A nogo for beings who hardly ever die anymore and have so many millennia ahead of them. . .
Of course, I'm very fascinated by the massive happenings in and around supermassive black holes, for example. Or the extremely impressive spectacle of a collision of my gravity giants. And there are many other objects in my impossibly large universe that are extremely interesting. No question ! But I'm not just an observing action god, I'm much more looking for recognition. My thinking creatures may forgive me this - also all too human - peculiarity. She is the spice of my constant work, so to speak balm for my lonely creator soul.
As soon as the exodus of people into space really gets under way or flight, I have to say goodbye again; because I would like to help cosmic brothers + sisters of you in the same way with extrasolar planet and large moon colonization. And it can look like this: Suddenly there are huge spaceships in large squares - quickly surrounded by many astonished people. Entrances open as if by magic. Inside, those who are too puzzled will find the following information boards:
>>> This is an extra beam service for my curious, investigative intelligences! Otherwise you can only see my cosmos-wide achievements from an unbelievable distance. And this must be pretty frustrating for you. The speed of light is just a snail's pace in space. So I will - by virtue of my omnipotence - only provide spaceships of the SupermegaBeamer class. In the required number - in various types + sizes. Interested parties then only need to take a seat and state the flight destination. And you'll be there in minutes! But: no risk no fun! It is to be feared that my favorite enemy, the devil, will occasionally tease you. . . <<<
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Veröffentlicht auf am 29.03.2023.
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von Heidemarie Rottermanner
Kind einer unglücklichen Liebe, die gemeinsam mit
Lennart, dem blinden verstoßenen Königssohn für
ihr geknechtetes und zerstörtes Volk eintritt und eine
frohe und glückliche Zukunft ersehnt. [...]
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