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„Secret Wishes“ von Irene Beddies

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Bild vom Kommentator
Dear Irene, women belong to the kitchen, just like a fish belongs to the dish. Nothing has changed since the middle age. Treat your love well, give him a nice time. See you later, little skater! Yours Patrick

Irene Beddies (11.06.2015):
Dear Patrick, if you stick still to medieval customs, be cautious! What I did to treat my love was of free will. Surely that will not grow into a habit! See you later, alligator, when you will be awake and not dreaming of old and pleasant times, Irene

Bild vom Kommentator
Dear Irene,

you would slip out ... and the guest will follow you ...

Kind Regards Faro

Irene Beddies (11.06.2015):
Dear Faro, I hope so. That would be fine...he can dry the cutlery. Greetings from Irene

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