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„We can never become the image of God,but a demigod!! //Part-2“ von Harry Schloßmacher

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Being more fond of cautionary tales, I would warn that the scientific age took severe losses from high knowledge but low practical expertise to get the job done for real! Sadly so, we could be closer to a `mankind-made paradise´, but we are closer to resource wars & new barbarism instead.

I do not mean to smear the author's enthusiasm, as I DO sympathize with the idea (3 decades in shamanism & magick, transhumanism & urban survival in practice) sure left heir mark on me.

Poverty, disease, crime, drug addictions, and other reminders that knowledge can be pure, but humans tend to be selfish & individually-corrupted nonetheless.

Harry Schloßmacher (07.04.2023):
Thank you again for your good contribution! Again, I can understand your comment well. With all the objections, however, I hope not to remain a lone voice in the desert. At least I did my part to hopefully make it go in a different direction.

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