Harry Schloßmacher

----------------- THE STARTER //Part-2 -----------------


At least I am unable to categorize this story. So the main thing is to have fun!! Knowing full well that there is hardly anything more difficult than making people laugh. To exaggerate: one person's humor is another's eulogy. Hope you have fun with it anyway. ############################################################################################

Camera team 2 (starter unit manager) Don't worry, sir. We won't present you as a beaming man! We just want to conduct a short interview with you... and it's more about the quality of the words than the quality of the teeth. Do you understand sir? The STARTER Do you really think so? Real? - I can't believe it! Camera crew 2 (head of production:) If you wish, we'll only show her nose and eyes (Turns to his team) Don't you guys - in particularly stubborn cases we sometimes do that! Camera crew 2 (mumbling) Right boss! Correct! (Head of unit) So let's get started (The interviewer holds the microphone up to STARTER) How do you explain your extraordinary talent as a starter? STARTER I'm a real, typical natural talent. Toilet attendant (bursting in) If only I could discover the talent that didn't pull the trigger again...! - Only one time! Then my pride as an investigator would be enough... and I could resign in peace 1st man: Then put out a bounty, "Wanted" and so on...! Toilet lady Joo mei, put yourself down. The boy is from the "Wild West"! One more recommendation of this kind and you'll be on your heels right away... 5th Man (Screams out) That hypocrite! Stop the "cowboy"! I was an eyewitness and clearly saw him not pulling the trigger 1st Man /"The Cowboy" (Makes his way to the exit) Make way! Let me out! Fast! Why am I going here, too? Toilet lady (also hurries towards the exit) Hihhiii! - I'll grab that. Stop there, you hypocrites...you "toilet quitters"...that's a real bastard, I tell you - a bastard in the truest sense of the word! 1st Man /"The Cowboy" Yeah, where are you? Catch me - here I am! Yes, where is my toilet girly? She probably thinks she's a 00...7 James Bond girl. She's just a 00...Beauty... ("The Cowboy" and people laugh loudly) Interviewer Camera crew 2 Jo mei! I can ask for silence again. We'll continue the interview right away. 2. Middle-aged woman: Why don't you do a talk show right away? I still have great things Interviewer Camera Team 2 (Turning to STARTER) Among friends: We'll be able to elicit a faint, tiny smile from you. The audience on the screens would definitely be very happy about that... STARTER But I suddenly feel like crying again... Interviewer Camera Team II Well then, STARTER, how was that with your natural talent? The STARTER Look here (demonstratively inflates his upper body again. Lets his biceps "play") or there (also shows his triceps) Everything as nature created it... nothing artificial. Like I said, I'm a pure natural. And I can only emphasize this again and again: Whether here, whether there... whether with you or with others... whether with younger or older ones... whether with friend or foe... whether with thick or thin whether.. Interviewer Camera team 2 ...in the toilet or in the ballroom... Anyway, we thank you for this frank interview MAMA'S SON, ERNST May I do it again!? Because I'm also built close to the water... 2. Young woman Maybe? - Just depends on what you want...! The STARTER powerfully tears himself away from everyone and makes his way through the crowd towards MOTHER'S SON ERNST ERNST Well, let's go then! (Goes outside with the man - followed by numerous curious people, the crowd of women and all the camera teams. Kneels down, as if in a race. Turning to the starter) Go - now your command! The STARTER On your mark...set...go! (Shoots flares high into the sky))MAMA'S SON SERIOUS Run. STARTER calls after him: False start! false start! You come back immediately or I'll quit! But MATTERSSON ERNST is unstoppable. He runs insanely fast a few streets to the hooting of the people. You have three guesses to whom. And so now it's



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