Harry Schloßmacher

Harry Schloßmacher´s ARTEN-Ranking__LINEAR (places 8 to 14)

Little history:
A thoroughly likeable - otherwise also competent - professor said at some point in the relevant program of "Planet Knowledge": "For me, the dinosaurs are the crown of creation!" --- Well, that's just his opinion ... but on the other hand it's too one-sided, too short-sighted, too rash. Because his judgment only refers to the - admittedly - extremely long existence of this species. But, are they really the masters in the field? Aren't there other species that have existed longer? In addition, there is something very bad in terms of quality; because shortly after the professor's statement I asked myself why the dinosaurs have not managed to develop intelligence in all the 150 million (!!) years. For me, this is a decisive criterion for the success record of a species. In any case, I'm grateful to "our" professor for his opinion - after all, it woke up benign "sleeping dogs" in me again and provoked a much more meaningful ranking.



8TH PLACE birds
Ability to use complex, concise word language, culture, technology, research, science + beings with self-awareness = nothing fulfilled = 0 points
Intelligence level = low = 1 point (Even parroting parrots can't even hold a candle to the hominids (pre-humans) - let alone humans) Radius of Action = Air + Land = 2 points 144 million years = 1.44 points Mass Extinction = 2 X survived = 2 points Ice Ages = 2 X survived = 2 points

9TH PLACE Dinosaur
Ability to use complex, concise word language, culture, technology, research, science + beings with self-awareness = nothing fulfilled = 0 points
Intelligence level = low = 1 point Radius of Action = Land + Air = 2 points Existing from 215 million years to 65 million years ago = 150 million years = 1.5 points Mass Extinction = 2 X survived = 2 points Ice ages = none experienced = 0 points

10TH PLACE Hominids (protohumans, walking upright)
Capability for complex, concise word language, for culture, technology, research, science + beings with self-awareness = probably some language + culture + preliminary stage of self-awareness = 1.5 points
Intelligence level = medium = 2 points Action radius = land = 1 point From 6 million years to about 3 million years ago, i.e. 3 million years = 0.03 points Mass extinctions = none = 0 points Ice Ages = 1 X survived = 1 point

11TH PLACE flowering land plants
Action radius = land = 1 point 120 million years = 1.2 points Mass extinction = 1 X survived = 1 point Ice Ages = 2 X survived = 2 points

12th PLACE ? ? ?
winged insects
Ability to use complex, concise word language, culture, technology, research, science + beings with self-awareness = nothing fulfilled = 0 points
Intelligence level = very low = 0 points Radius of action = air = 1 point
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Out of competition, so to speak, since I only very, very vaguely suspected - existing sometime after the flowering plants (bees came, etc.)... Maybe 90 (???) million years ago?
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Mass extinction = 1 X survived = 1 point Ice Ages = 2 X survived = 2 points

13TH PLACE Primates (human apes)
Ability to use complex, concise word language, culture, technology, research, science + beings with self-awareness = nothing fulfilled = 0 points
Intelligence level = low = 1 point Action radius = land = 1 point Since 60 million years = 0.60 points Mass extinctions = none = 0 points Ice Ages = 2 X survived = 2 points

14TH PLACE grasses
Action radius = land = 1 point 55 million years = 0.55 points Mass extinctions = none = 0 points Ice Ages = 2 X survived = 2 points


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