Harry Schloßmacher


                                                                                   ( mystery love story )


A strange, contrasting sight: RALF in his swimming trunks, surrounded by a smartly dressed company. "SARAH, is it really you, or is it all just a temptation Dream? Come let your body feel..." No sooner has he touched the woman than she hisses: "Allow what yourself! My name isn't SARAH, and I don't know you at all!" - "And thirdly, none of us are ghosts, as you will immediately feel be!" Accompanied by the hooting of the group, a giant RALF moves you such a blow that he sinks into the "land of dreams". Early in the morning, RALF is startled: loud barking of a dog huge mastiff standing right in front of him. The slender, distinctive Mistress can hardly keep her on the leash. "Sleep like this more often uncomfortable and undressed?" RALF shakes and stretches. "What happened, where am I? And who are you? - Wait, me I did see SARAH and then... come on, I'll show you one Photo."


RALF takes a picture of SARAH out of the car and holds it up to the stranger. "Do you perhaps know this woman? - Don't take me for crazy: the pictured one has been dead for a while, and yet I can swear I saw her here last night! Only - I can't explain it to myself... not yet..." The stranger hesitates for a moment, then angrily tears the picture up. "There is nothing more to explain. This woman was my best girlfriend and took my man. For me she died one way or the other ben!" The stranger hurries away with her giant dog. RALF collects quickly opens the torn photo and runs after her. "But please, you have no idea how important this woman is to me is!" But the stranger leaves him and moves away visibly. dog tired RALF drives to his guest room and sleeps there for the time being.


One night, RALF goes to SARAH's grave with a flashlight. There he speaks to himself: "What kind of game are you playing with me, beloved SARAH? nest me and apparently you're not..." Suddenly he hears rustling in the bushes and slowly approaches it. The The cone of light from his lamp wanders along the greenery. There! Directly a woman's face appears in front of him. Is it now the face of SARAH or not!? RALF stops and murmurs: "The spirit of SARAH..." as a woman's hand strokes his cheek. Startled, he runs away and crashes into a large, powerful one Man. The man (GERD) with a calm, deep voice: "Don't worry, my friend. We're just here to talk to you." RALF after recovering from the initial shock: "But at that time a somewhat unusual place for a friend- good conversation, don't you agree?" They drive to the apartment of the two. RALF is surprised that GERD and MANUELA brother and sister are. So it wasn't her boyfriend who knocked him down so roughly at the shipping dock. "You know, my brother is a temperamental man. Only if someone touches without permission, then he becomes restless. He's a real big one Brother, isn't it, GERD?" (smiles at him). And back to RALF "He's a detective and apparently not a bad one. So he has her car number while still under the influence of alcohol. can remember... and with his relevant connections, he was quick to get yours too address out.


GERD wanted to find you again for being overly rude apologies greeting. He also wanted you - frankly - watch something too. They called me SARAH and also meant me good to know The why did not leave his detective instinct rest more... "It's all remarkably accurate, sister. That's how I need it nothing else to add." RALF shows SARAH's photo. The two are also very surprised: The Resemblance between the deceased and MANUELA is amazing! And nobody can explain it. RALF is finally content with to have found a double par excellence... RALF talks about the good times with his beloved SARAH. Of the deep longing for her, even after death. Therefore also be Inability to be happy with other women. Unless that The almost impossible would be: He would meet a woman who SARAH confusingly similar... After this enlightening night of talks, the two meet frequently. RALF flirts around and presents MANUELA. Get her from the job and prepares her a fantastic one in his apartment Eat. Candlelight, music to dream, glasses of wine... after all they are lovers.

(To be continued)



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“Das Herz deiner Seele begleitet dich auf deinem Weg.“ : ist einer der vielen lichtvollen und den tiefsten Sinn unseres Lebens erfassenden Leitsätze dieses Buches. Florentine Herz gelang es, durch ein Channeling initiiert, die Botschaften und Hilfestellungen des Erzengels Michael für uns ALLE aufzunehmen und zu übermitteln. Ein beeindruckend klarer und von Licht-Kräften geleiteter Wegweiser für Alle, die auf der spirituellen Suche sind oder damit beginnen möchten! (Sulevia)

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