Harry Schloßmacher

Very small,but mighty!We inthe cosmos of energy/matter giants

... First a photo of the "Great Red Spot" (storm complex larger than Earth, on Jupiter)

Then the first comment: "This difference is impressive... we are comparatively little more than a small stone...."

Then a second comment: "The earth is "comparatively nothing more than a small stone". We humans aren't even a speck of dust in comparison. And still take us so seriously."

If you only compare the exterior, both are of course right! But since they forgot important components, here is my comment:

Physically we are indeed just "Cosmic Ants". But only physically: Because with our spirit, mind + self-awareness we have so far topped everything that gasps + flees. "Small, but powerful ! ! " as the saying goes. __As impressive and interesting phenomena as the "Great Red Spot" (storm complex larger than Earth, on Jupiter) may be, these are otherwise or ultimately - sorry - just mental losers who don't even know about themselves, that they exist. In this sense, we can certainly take ourselves much more seriously than just a stain!

For Mother Nature, "Creating Storms" is child's play - no matter how big. However, evolution has experimented with millions of animal species for billions of years on earth, until it finally + again finally created "intelligences". A fool who denies that we are something special!

And one more point:
Giant storms are a dime a dozen in space - they are extremely impressive (no question about it), but as a mass phenomenon they are nothing "moving the cosmos".

In contrast to our technical civilization with at least the potential to colonize space in the long term. The fact that we are finding it so difficult - despite decades of effort - to find another technical civilization increasingly suggests that we are actually something exclusive...in the sheer endless sea of energy/matter giants.

We can take ourselves seriously, even be very proud of it... and it would be particularly fatal + possibly irreplaceable if something so valuable were to destroy itself...


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